
Friday 11 October 2024

Our Family and signs of Autumn

Our Family

This week the children have been talking about who is in their family during key worker time. The children have explored painting their own houses and drawing a picture of their family. These have been added to our beautiful family display in the classroom. 

As we are now in Autumn the we took Nursery on a walk around school to collect different coloured leaves. We spoke to the children about why the leaves are changing colours and sorted them by colour. 

Our book of the week next week is...

Friday 4 October 2024

Drawing ourselves and creating a family tree

 Family tree

This week Nursery have created their own tree for out Family tree display. We talked to the children about the colour of a tree and felt the bark outside. As a group the children painted the truck of a tree and did leaf hand prints for leaves. We printed green, yellow, orange, red and brown leaf hand prints with moving into the season of Autumn. 

Also, this week the children have been drawing themselves and cutting them out to make their own bodies as part of our book for the week. 

Next week out book of the week is:

Friday 27 September 2024

All about me!

All about me!

This week the children have been learning about what they like about themselves and the features of their face. 
Each child painted their own face and used a mirror to look at their different features. 


Friday 20 September 2024

Brown Bear, Brown bear what do you see?

 Brown Bear, Brown bear what do you see?

This week the children have explored painting the animals from our story of the week. The children loved using the masks to take on the role of one of the animals. 

Nursery love to explore the outdoor area.

Next week our book of the week is:

Sunday 15 September 2024

Welcome back to Nursery!

 Welcome back to Nursery!


We would like to welcome back all our Iveson families this half-term. We have welcomed back Nursery children who were with us last year and supported new children to settle in. 


Over the week the children have been exploring the new area's in the classroom and finding out which areas are their favourites. 

Nursery are really enjoying exploring the outdoor area and watering the plants.  

Next week our book of the week will be:

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

Friday 19 July 2024

Last week of Nursery

 During some of the children's last week at Nursery we had a special visitor. Eesa's Mum came into Nursery and talked to the children about her role as an optician. 

She brought in some of the equipment she uses to test children's eye sight. 

We hope all our Iveson Families have a lovely summer and thank you for all your support this year. 

Friday 12 July 2024

Butterflies and the Ladybird herd


This week our caterpillar finally hatched from their cocoons and turned into butterflies. Nursery and Reception released the butterflies into the wild. 

The Ladybird Heard

This week our book of the week was What the Ladybird Heard. 

Nursery have painted their own farm animals and ladybirds from the story. Cut out their own farm maps and created their own role play farm stories.