
Monday 11 May 2020


All superhero movies have music and sound effects.

We need you to create some for Supertato!

Animated GIFAnimated GIF

It's time to try out some body percussion!

Your whole body is like a musical instrument, what sounds can you make?

Superhero theme tune

Spend some time exploring all the sounds you can make using your body. 
Can your children click their fingers?
Can they make a 'pop' sound with a finger and cheek?
What sound does rubbing the soles of your feet together make?
Have you tried making a 'pop' sound by tapping your hand over your open mouth?


Superhero secret handshake

Make up a secret handshake for Supertato supporters!. 
Get creative with thumb wiggles, claps, slaps and clicks to make your one-of-a-kind greeting.
Maybe you could even add a twirl!

Animated GIF