
Sunday, 29 November 2020

Autumn 2 Week 5


The Gingerbread Man

Nursery’s new story of the week is The Gingerbread Man!

Could you read or watch the story and home and ask the following questions:

-What does the Gingerbread Man like to do? 

-What animal comes across the Gingerbread man?

-What does the fox do to the Gingerbread man?


 The children will be learning how to make their own AB pattern.  For example, gem, cube, gem cube. 

How to help at home:

Can you make your own AB pattern at home?


The children learning about different environmental sounds through Noisy Neighbour.

How to help at home:

Can listen to different sounds you might hear at home. Can you hear:

-The kettle

-The washing machine

-The hoover

-The phone

-The doorbell